Were you injured in a vehicle crash in St George or the surrounding area?
Would you like to have an experienced injury attorney help you with your case?
Do you prefer to work directly with an attorney instead of support staff?
St George injury attorney, Rex Bush, has over 35 years experience helping injured persons, and works directly with his clients.
Mr Bush has been honored by Utah Business Magazine as part of the Utah Legal Elite in the category of Personal Injury. He has published more than 50 articles on personal injury subjects and regularly teaches other attorneys about personal injury matters.
CONTACT US NOW - Fill out the form below for a FREE Consultation
321 North Mall Drive, R-234
St. George, Utah 84790
Your Utah Attorney in St George
Over 35 years of SUCCESS
Using a proven system, developed in our office for over 35 years, using checklists and creative problem solving, we work toward identifying all of your injuries, so they can be diagnosed and treated. We package all your information into a 'settlement brochure' and work toward a settlement of your case. Our goal is to see that your settlement is maximal based on knowledge of local settlement values. We are only compensated by a pre-agreed upon percentage of the settlement.
Rex Bush was inspired to practice personal injury law following the loss of his father in a vehicle crash. It was a personal injury attorney who assisted his mother to bring a claim against the at fault party. The settlement from that case was valuable to Mr. Bush’s mother in taking care of her six children.
After handling his first injury case in 1984, shortly thereafter, he dedicated his practice to helping victims injured due to the carelessness of others.
Mr Bush and his wife, Jan, have worked together in the law firm for over 34 years and enjoy spending time with their children and grandchildren whenever possible.

Mr Bush pictured here with two of his older grandchildren, Carter and Kaden, who when young, came to the office often to see their papa and gma while they were working. (To learn more about Mr Bush click the Attorney tab at the top of this page)
This website answers questions such as:
do you have a case?
what are your rights?
what to do after a vehicle crash?
how do you get your vehicle fixed?
how do you get a rental car?
what are no-fault/PIP benefits?
how do you get your medical bills paid?
how do you get your lost wages paid?
how do you get compensated for pain and suffering?
what is the Utah personal injury threshold?
should you use an attorney?
how do you maximize your compensation?
how long do you have to file your claim?
How To Quickly and Easily Find Out If You Have a Personal Injury Case
Each firm has its own screening criteria for cases involving personal injury
Here are ours:
Was someone injured?
Was this injury caused by the negligence of another?
Was the property damage (vehicle crash cases) sufficient that a jury would believe the injuries were caused by the crash?
Was Someone Injured?
In some cases, injury isn’t enough. In Utah, if you get hurt in a car crash, you must exceed a “threshold” to get a settlement for pain and suffering. The threshold for personal injury in Utah may be exceeded by meeting just one of the following requirements:
medical bills in excess of a certain amount;
permanent impairment;
permanent disability;
disfigurement; or
More about each of these criteria is provided in the following paragraphs.
Medical Bills In Excess of a Certain Amount
Some states allow a claim for non-economic damages once the injured person has incurred medical bills over a certain amount. For example, in Utah, $3,000 is the magic number. The bills must have been necessary and caused by the crash as well as reasonable in price.
Permanent Impairment from Personal Injury
Threshold can also be met by showing a permanent “impairment” from your personal injury.
Permanent Disability
Permanent Disability: A useful definition of disability is "an alteration of an individual's capacity to meet personal, social, or occupational demands because of an impairment." An individual can be impaired significantly and have no disability, while another person can be quite disabled with only limited impairment.
A concert pianist might have a relatively minor injury to a digital nerve that severely limits his/her ability to perform basic work activities (playing difficult piano concertos).
Disfigurement and Personal Injury
Utah allows a claim for non-economic damages if the injured person has sustained disfigurement. Sometimes “significant disfigurement” is required. Disfigurement usually means a “scar.”
Threshold in car crash cases can also be met by the death of the injured person. The death would have to be caused by the crash.
Threshold Only Applies To Non-Economic Injuries
You can make a claim for medical expenses or lost income and you don’t have to meet the threshold requirement on your claim for personal injury if you are seeking only economic damages.
Was this injury caused by negligence of another?
If the other driver ran a red light or stop sign or rear ended you, he was probably negligent.
Now, let’s say you were only partly at fault, maybe 20%, and another driver had the remaining 80% of the fault. May you recover? Yes, but your personal injury settlement would be reduced by the 20% of your fault.
Was the Property Damage Sufficient That a Jury Would Believe the Injuries Were Caused by the Crash?
Juries have shown an unwillingness to award money for personal injury if the car doesn’t show much damage. If a vehicle has no visible damage or a repair bill of less than $2,000 it is hard to get a fair recovery on an injury case.
Bush Law Firm Testimonials
What Clients and other Attorneys Say About Us
"We have greatly appreciated the caring and professional manner in which Rex Bush has handled our personal injury case. He has been open and honest, answering our questions, offering suggestions concerning decisions in our case. It has been a very stressful time but only a fraction as stressful as it could have been without the help of Rex. We couldn't be more pleased with the service!" CP, WVC, UT
"I was most impressed with the way Rex started on the case immediately. He had a very impressive binder in which he kept many pictures and documents. I have worked with several attorneys on various matters including business matters and divorce. Rex's professionalism and responsiveness has been far superior and the results were, in my case, very satisfactory. Rex kept right on top of my case, kept me informed and never gave up until the last dollar was accounted for" DD, Orem, UT
"I appreciate your help with my auto vs. motorcycle accident. I was very nervous to use an attorney ... you talked to me like I mattered. You gave me advice and let me know your opinion without charging me for it. I had prayed for guidance, and Bush Law Firm just felt right.
Was it worth paying the attorney fee? YES!!!!!!!!! Thank you Rex for your honesty, and for restoring (in part) my opinion of attorneys. Thanks again, sincerely," SM, WJ, UT
"I have had a lot of experiences with attorneys and you're a thousand times better than dealing with other attorneys I've dealt with. You call me back. You follow up. You call me to see how things are going." DS, SLC, UT
"Hey, sorry it took me so long to reply, I really really appreciate you doing that for me. It was a huge source of stress, thank you thank you thank you!!" CW, WJ, UT
"I was most pleased with Mr Bush's honesty, integrity and professionalism." DS, SJ, UT
"Awww. Thank you so much Rex. You have been very helpful in this entire process. I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks for everything!" LV, WVC, UT
"I would just like to confirm receipt of the payment cheque and to say once again how grateful I am for all of your help in this matter." LM, United Kingdom
"Hiring Bush Law Firm gave me peace of mind." JB
"I was most pleased with the communication of my case with me as well as my reduced stress. You're all fabulous to work with!" KG
"Mr Bush took the time to explain things to me; he answered my questions and was very helpful.
I thought he did a fantastic job!" SJ
"Very professional and most important--friendly!" JL
"I have spoken with many attorney offices in the past and none of them were as friendly and as personal as your firm." LH
"Mr Bush has given me consideration and respect. I would return to him on any new need." DH
"No hassles on my end and honesty and up-front attitude on firm's end." RF
"I was really impressed with Bush Law Firm's overall performance with my case. I will definitely refer them to others!" DB
"I was nervous about taking my case to an attorney but Mr Bush restored my faith in attorneys." BE
"I have known Rex for more than a decade. My first associations with Rex were while employed as a law clerk in his office during law school. Since then, Rex has become a trusted colleague and friend. In working with Rex both in his office and out, I learned that Rex greatly values client relationships and places emphasis on client satisfaction. He prides himself on constantly learning and improving the skills necessary to be on the leading edge of his trade. I have personally relied on his expertise in personal injury on numerous occasions. I recommend Rex to any client or fellow attorney in any matter involving personal injuries. This recommendation is shared by others which has resulted in Rex being named as one of Utah's legal elite in the category of personal injury."
Dave Kono, Salt Lake City Attorney
"You're the best personal injury attorney I know in Utah."
RobRoy Platt, Utah County Attorney
"I have known Rex for over 10 years and have found him to be well organized, compassionate, and persistent. Rex is one of the top injury attorneys in Utah, and is often recognized by his peers as one of Utah's Legal Elite."
William Morrison, Salt Lake City Attorney
"Rex Bush is one positive, together guy. He’s got the voice of confidence."
Ken Selander, Seattle Attorney
"A client of mine* was seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident while visiting in Utah. Although I am an attorney, I am not licensed to practice law in the State of Utah. As such, I needed to find a Utah attorney experienced in personal injury cases that could assist me in this matter. I was referred to Rex Bush who agreed to be my co-counsel in this case. Mr. Bush quickly became an indispensable part of the team and was instrumental in effectuating a very large* out-of-court settlement. Without Mr. Bush’s wise legal counsel and vast knowledge of Utah personal injury law I do not believe that my client’s results would have been so favorable. Should I need a Utah personal injury attorney again, Mr. Bush will be the attorney I call.
*Plaintiff’s name, settlement amount and Plaintiff’s Attorney’s full last name omitted due to confidentiality clause in Release and Settlement Agreement."
KS, Attorney at Law, Maryland