Utah Vehicle Accident Insurance
“No-fault” is a type of vehicle insurance in which each person’s own insurance company pays for injury related to the vehicle accident up to a certain limit regardless of whether its insured was at fault. By own insurance I mean the insurance of the vehicle you were in at the time of the vehicle accident since policy provisions make you an "insured" of that vehicle.
Personal injury protection or PIP is the name some states, such as Utah, give to their no-fault plan.
If you live in Utah and are injured in a Utah vehicle accident, regardless of fault, your insurance, must pay certain benefits. These benefits are known as Personal Injury Protection or "PIP". In this article the terms “PIP” “Personal Injury Protection” and “No-Fault” are used interchangeably.
Medical Bills
No-fault pays your medical bills reasonably and necessarily incurred because of the Utah vehicle accident. It probably won't cover aromatherapy but it will cover chiropractic care. This is limited by the coverage you purchased. In some states you must have at least $3,000, but it is possible to get $10,000, $25,000 or even $100,000 of this type of coverage.
Lost Wages due to a Utah Vehicle Accident
No-fault pays your lost wages (or lost income if you are self employed) incurred because of a vehicle accident. This coverage usually has a rather small cap such as “up to 85% of the income you lost from work, up to a maximum of $250 per week."
Household Services
No-fault covers the cost of paying others to perform household services you can't perform because of your injuries in a vehicle accident. This benefit is usually limited to $20 per day.
Death Benefit From a Utah Vehicle Accident
No-fault often includes a death benefit that you as a survivor can apply for if your loved one is killed in a Utah vehicle accident.
Applying For Utah Vehicle Accident Benefits
To apply for your Personal Injury Protection benefits you need to contact your agent to report the Utah vehicle accident. He/she will notify your insurance company who will open a file and assign a claims adjuster. Once an adjuster has been assigned contact him/her and ask for an "Application for Benefits". This is the form most insurance companies use to start the payment process.
Subro What?
If you were not at-fault, your insurance company may be able to get paid back for the money it spends on your no-fault benefits after a Utah vehicle accident. This is commonly known as “subrogation.” To do this it will need to submit a bill to the company of the at-fault driver.
If you have hired an attorney to help you on your injury claim, your insurance company may ask him/her to help recover the subrogation money from the other insurance company. Sometimes insurance companies have staff attorneys who handle this and sometimes they hire outside law firms to do it.
No-fault or Personal Injury Protection is a system where your insurance company pays you benefits regardless of fault after a Utah vehicle accident. These benefits usually include: medical expenses, lost income, household services and a death benefit.
Start the process by reporting the Utah vehicle accident to your agent. He/she will open the claim and an adjuster will be assigned by your insurance company.